Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Living a Dream
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Growing like a weed and speaking Chinese
Sophie is a great companion and loves to explore the outdoors. I've begun running again in the hopes of completing my first marathon in December and Sophie has been training with me. It is her favorite place to be for naptime. She loves the wind in her face and becomes so relaxed with just the first sign of the stroller in motion. It is truly one of my favorite things to do with her. My best friend Tab is usually with us, too, so we have a great time. They both keep me motivated. And being Sophie's mom couldn't make me any more proud. I think part of the reason I want to keep running is so that Sophie will be proud of me. Last December, when I was 25 weeks along, Sophie and I completed the St. Jude's half marathon together. So, I guess I feel like Sophie and I will always have that bond...even if she gets older and doesn't like to run herself.
Tonight we went with Wyatt to watch him play hockey and this was Sophie's first time watching him play. I don't know who was more proud...Sophie watching her dad score a goal or Dad watching Sophie through the glass. I always knew that Wyatt would be a great father. But that phrase "great father" really pales in comparison to watching him with her. It's such a blessing to be able to share not only the day to day tasks of parenthood (that we all know are not always fun, fun, fun) but to share the joys and memories with someone who loves something or someone just as much as you do...that you created together. Having a partner that enhances this experience has been the greatest gift I have ever been given, with the exception of Sophie herself.
Sophie went to the doctor yesterday for her four month well visit and shots. She's now 15 pounds, 12 ounces and 26 inches long (both about 90 percentile). Wow! I just keep thinking about how quickly the time goes and how much she's already grown. People always tell you to hold on to every minute because it goes by so quickly. And they are right. And how much fun is to to see your child growing and learning right before you? Absolutely amazing. I guess it goes back to Goethe. Nothing is worth more than this day.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Blowout on I-55
Standing right next to me is my good friend whom I've just referred to start bringing her son to school with Sophie. This was his second day there after a bad experience somewhere else! Great! So, not only am I worried about Sophie but I'm also feeling somewhat responsible about subjecting him to the same thing. Hopefully we're still friends.
I think we both took the information in stride and walked out together. "So, yeah, um..."is the phrase that came out of both of our mouths at the same time. "Call you later". Fast forward a couple of hours and she's already done her own research online and I've talked to my sister in law who's called her pediatrician to get the 411.
The timing of this TB outbreak couldn't be better. We're supposed to be leaving the following day to visit family so I can't take her to get tested before we leave (because I'll need to bring her back in 48 hours later for the test to be read and we won't be back yet). And we won't be back on Monday when they are coming to the school to administer tests there. So I make an appointment for Tuesday morning. Great. While I'm at the doctor, I'll also ask him about her first cold that she's just gotten while we were away on our trip, recommendations about her teething and suggestions for her inability to go poo. Not quite. Never having been through a TB outbreak, I didn't know that Sophie's appointment was just for shots and that she wouldn't be seen by the doctor. (In hindsight this makes sense - especially after seeing 100 other kids in the waiting room on the "shot list" so that they can return to school). So the nurse tells me that I can see the lady at the front desk to make an appointment. Ok. So the lady at the front desk leaves a message for the lady who schedules appointments to call me. Ok. So four hours later she calls and says I can come back at 4:00pm. Ok. Hello, Dr. Laue! Have I got some news for you!
Poor kid. She went a good four days without having a bowel movement and this is not like her. I fear that I've passed on my "crippled digestive system" (what my gastrointernalogist diagnosed me with...that's a clinical term, right?) My aunt and I drove through a tornado to aquire some pear juice and I think this did the trick. The next day and three bowel movements in four hours later...Sophiebug was feeling much better ("blowout on I-55" takes on a whole new meaning :)
That night we slept at my sister's place and I slept on the couch right next to the pack and play. I heard Sophie sniffling. Sniffling? But she didn't appear to have any problem sleeping. Yet. The next morning she awoke with a mild fever and congestion. Her first cold! Wouldn't you know that all of this happens when I am out of town and my owner's manual, aka What to Expect The First Year, is at home? Luckily, I did have my mom who was super helpful...especially when it came to giving some TLC to Sophie on our long journey back home. Let's not forget our pit stop in Nashville to pick up my college roomy, Mon! Sophie was so patient in her car seat...and we all know how much she loves that!
It's been a week and Sophie is doing much better...her TB test was negative, her cold has almost completely cleared up and although she continues to be irregular, she has been going poo without intervention. Oh, and she's over 15 lbs. 7 ounces...so she's thriving! (In fact, the thought of her weight doubling before she outgrows her car seat makes my arms very sore!)
Now...to tackle that little teething problem...
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Best Day
My due date was April 17th, 2009. Everything had gone as planned. I had a smooth pregnancy. My quad screen came back normal. I (eventually:) passed my glucose test. We were pretty positive that we were having a girl. We had passed our parenting class (even got a certificate to prove it). And, we even had the car seat properly inspected by a car seat specialist at the hospital four days before we had Sophie. By my account...we were as ready as this girl was going to be. Our friends and family threw us a beautiful shower two weeks before our due date and two days later we had gone in for a check up. By this point we were going every two weeks. Things were moving along...but slowly. So, I initiated the conversation with my doctor about inducing me if I had not gone into labor by that day. She was all for it! Woohoo, let's get this party started! That was on April 6th, one week before we had Sophie.
So, the plan was that I would check into the hospital on Easter Sunday at 6pm and then induction would start at 6 am the next morning. Good plan. We were able to get together with our family for an afternoon Easter dinner. It was great. Our parents, the Rawls, and Clem and Pam were there and my sister and Jordy were on their way down from St. Louis. The calvalry had been called in and they were ready to help us celebrate! The most difficult part about that day was not realizing that I would soon be in labor, but leaving Bama, because I knew I wouldn't see her for at least two days...and I knew that she would no longer be the only "child"...she had been with me for six years and I knew that from that point on her life would be changed, too. So after a hormone induced cry session after leaving her at my in-laws, we were on our way to the hospital. (You will hear me refer to my husband as a good sport often...and this was one of those times).
We had toured the hospital a few weeks prior to D Day so we knew what to expect. We were given a brand new labor/delivery room that was awesome, except for the sleeping apparatus for the guest, aka, my wonderfully supportive husband. But he survived. One of the coolest things about the room was my bed...the picture on the side of the control panel was of a preggo stick person! I know, I know, I'm easily amused. The room was huge...and we knew ahead of time that there was a three person limit during delivery. But they were very cool about visitors. And I had plenty! Sunday night, after we were all set up and just in "hurry up and wait mode", I got a call from some good friends who were at Coldstone Creamery. "Want some ice cream?" Yes! Tiz and Erin (and Robyn and Shags who waited in the car) brought us delicious ice cream cupcakes. There were several left over so really it was the best-case scenario...I got ice cream in the delivery room and the staff did, too...so they were really nice to me!
The nurse woke me up at about 5:30 am and the D Day plan was in full effect. If you're not familiar with the induction plan, it's pretty basic. There are a series of steps, the first (for most) is the application of a substance to thin the cervix. This is done the night before every four hours. Then, the next morning the petocin is started to bring on contractions. For me, my plan included the ever popular "E" word before the petocin. The "E" word correlates to my irregular digestive system...so I'm sure you can figure that out. So glad I opted for that. Although I will tell you...that was the worst part of my delivery experience! Everything was smooth sailing after that...no kidding!
My nurses were all terrific. I had opted for my epidural as soon as they started the petocin. So I really only felt contractions for about 10 minutes. And let me tell you, they were enough. My anesthesiologist was well, how shall I say it...God-like. He was in and out of my room in under ten minutes. I didn't really feel pain. And beyond that, it began working immediately. And worked until post delivery (as my legs fell off the bed more than once). I was able to experience the entire delivery without pain and in the presence of my family and an occasional brave friend!
The first six centimeters came somewhat slowly in relation to the last four. By noon I was only at 4cm but I had Sophie at 2:03! The best part about it was that I had my husband, mother and sister right there with me. It was so very special. And other than realizing that my doctor was M.I.A. and my nurse was delivering two babies at the same time, everything was smooth...we did find my doctor who literally ran in the room to catch Sophie and my nurse called for backup so she could stay with me. It all worked out. We also had some awesome music playing for our listening enjoyment...a blend of Van Morrison, Bob Marley, and other favs. "Don't worry 'bout a thing" was actually "the" song when Sophie was born. How fitting is that?
Sophie's cord was wrapped around her neck, which was a little scary, but Dr. Callison wasn't worried about it. She was stealth and before I knew it, Sophie's color was good and she was letting us know she did not appreciate the bright lights. She was perfect. Dr. Callison told us back in December that she thought I would have about an eight pounder. And before Sophie was born everyone was guessing, as well. Dr. Callison's guess was 7 lbs. 14 oz. before she even saw her. She was 7 lbs. 15.7 oz. Is she good, or what!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Ankles, Cankles and Thankles

Aw, nuts...and bugs!
A few weeks later, I got a message from some good friends that they had the perfect name for her until we knew if she was a boy or a girl. Flip Flop. And considering I was in full-blown morning sickness - all day- it seemed fitting...because that's what she was doing!
Back in December, as I was journaling about a doctor's appointment that I had had, and after we had chosen the name Sophie, I began referring to her as Sophiebug. Just kind of rolls off your tongue. Wyatt and I never really thought we would get caught up in the silly nicknames that so many parents give their children. But that was before we had one of our own! Now I can say that we call her Sophiebug more than Sophie! Never say never, right?