So, needless to say when you are trying to get pregnant you think really hard about investing in Proctor and Gamble stock because you buy so many pregnancy and ovulation tests...we had gone through dozens. Ok, I had gone through dozens. Wyatt is so much more patient than I reason I love him.
So, we had taken a trip to St. Louis and had returned on a Sunday. That evening, I was tired. But given that we had just driven seven hours home that didn't seem odd. But I also felt like something was 'different'. But you know when you are trying to get pregnant you feel 'different' every month...which of course is wishful thinking. But this time I really did feel 'different.' The next day I had come home from work and had decided that I would take the last ept I had in the cabinet. After all, why not? It was three days before I should have taken it but the instructions cleary say that "levels can be detected up to five days before". So by my account, it still had the potential of being 98% accurate.
These tests have come a long way. I think I read somewhere that half of women who take pregnancy tests read them wrong. Now, I would like to think that I would be in the percentage that can read the line correctly...but just in case...I purchased the full-proof, can't get it wrong because it says the words "pregnant" or "not pregnant" on the screen-test. And there it was. Confirmation. This girl was not crazy. And she did feel 'different'. Because she was, indeed, preggers. Yes!
Now, of course, I had planned for months how I would break the news to my wonderful and optimistic husband. I had bought a card that was perfect. I new just what I would say. It was going to be so romantic and articulate. Right. I ran out of the bathroom in my underwear with ept in hand. After Wyatt brought me back down to earth, and after two more positive tests, a call was placed to my doctor. And the journey began.
I love that you are doing a blog too. It is going to be wonderful to hear about Sophie often and not miss the milestones when we aren't there with you. Thank you, Lisa.