Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Living a Dream

So, first off, I'm not going to allow myself to feel guilty for not writing for two and a half months. Or maybe that's my way of talking myself through it so I can let go of it a little easier. I know better than anyone that amazing things happen everyday and by letting this much time pass, I'll have inevitably left some things out. However, each day that I havevn't been writing, I've been living with my beautiful family. And each day has been a dream.

In a few days, Sophie will be seven months old and it's just unbelievable how quickly the time goes. I often look at pictures that we've taken along the way...you know the changes just happen overnight! Our little Sophiebug is sitting up, bouncing up and down, attempting to crawl, babbling up a storm and pulling herself up with just a bit of help from mom and dad. Looking at those pictures reminds me of just how small she really was, how different her cry sounded and how much she has grown and learned. It's a double-edged sword...I can't wait to see what she'll do tomorrow...but I love each day with her, just the way she is!

I am very happy to say that I am still nursing Sophie. Overall, it's been a great experience and what a great feeling to know that I've provided nourishment for our daughter for these past several months. We are working on weaning the middle of the night feedings...one night at a time! She began solid foods a couple of months ago and she has been a very good eater! She's not a big fan of sweet peas, but loves bananas. She also enjoys green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, pears and apples. I've not ventured into making food for her yet, but it is a goal. I want her to have a varied palliate. I've read that now is the time to introduce foods...and that by two years of age she could grow afraid to try new things because it's "unfamiliar". That makes sense, right?

Sophie participated in her first Halloween and had two costumes! The day before Halloween, Sophie had her six month checkup and shots. She is now 18 lbs., and 27.5 inches long (that's 71 percentile weight and 92 percentile for length). Did I mention she's a good eater :) Needless to say on shot day she is not at her best. This time was no exception. She was tender and sleepy most of the day. She had a parade at school so I took her so she could hang out with the rest of the infants and see all of the other little toddlers running around in costumes. It was really adorable. One of my college roomates sent Sophie a ladybug costume (Go Alphas!) so naturally, she was the cuttest SOPHIEBUG! Wyatt and I took Sophie to a party at my inlaws' on Halloween. I felt pretty proud because I made all of our costumes (Betty, Barney and Bam-Bam Rubble). Sophie didn't last very long but we had a great time anyway.

Monday nights are Sophie and Mommy nights because Wyatt plays hockey and then goes for Pizza at Big Ed's. So we usually have bath time and play for a bit before bedtime. Tonight, we read a story, T'was the Night Before Christmas. I know that it's not even Thanksgiving yet but it didn't really matter. Sophie liked it so much she ripped the first page. It warmed my heart beyond belief to sit with her and have that moment with her. There is so much to look forward to. Our first Thanksgiving and Christmas. The New Year. Sophie's first birthday. And for now, they are my memories. But before long, they will also be Sophie's. And that makes me very happy.

Better go so I can tell you all about our last adventure...it deserves a post all of it's own...and Wyatt should be home soon with my half of the ham and cheese calzone!

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